Monday 15 April 2013

Action sequence shoot of Mental stalled

Salman Khan's upcoming film Mental seems to have hit a hurdle while shooting a crucial fight scene in Lavasa. Apparently, the shoot which was for an action sequence came to a halt post tensions between action artistes from Mumbai and Hyderabad rose over allegations that the production team is biased towards Bollywood performers.

The dispute started when 30 fighters from Hyderabad and Chennai who were called in for an action sequence realized that they were inadequately represented in comparison to their Mumbai peers. While demographically there were only three Southern fighters for every seven from Bollywood, they further found out that they were being paid almost 50% lesser than their counterparts. 

Following these findings, the artists registered a formal complaint with the FWICE (Federation of Western India Cine Employees) officials in Mumbai, but only to be told that their argument held no water. However, officials from the FWICE rejected their plea which resulted in the artists stalling the shoot. 

Last heard two senior officials -Shiva and Vijayan - from the Film Employee's Federation of South India, are in Mumbai to end the impasse.

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